Kuzma 4Point 14 inch

Sale price10 000,00 €

Technical data
Mass 2150 gr
Effective length 353 mm ( 14 inch )
Mounting distance 291,50 mm( Kuzma cut- 291 mm )
Offset angle 15,35 degrees
Distance spindle-horizontal bearing 340 mm ( 338 mm for Stabi M)
Bearing type 4 points (sapphire & ruby cups / steel pivots-see modification)
Effective mass 19 g
VTA adjustment yes
Azimuth adjustment yes
Bias adjustment yes
Vertical damping yes
Horizontal damping yes
Detachable headshell yes ( one extra supplied)
Cables silver
Arm mount Kuzma cut ( 12 inch position)
Optional extra headshells, headshell containers, different wiring option

BROCHURE 4POINT14 inch 150601

4POINT bearing modification: from Jan 1st, 2019

As standard we now fit into all 4Point tonearms sapphire/ruby bearing cups instead polished steel cups. This lowers friction and noise level in bearings thus improving performance.

All 4P11 and 4P14 such bearings already fitted since July 1st 2018.

4Point 14 is 4Point tonearm with 14 inch ( 353 mm) effective length which is fitted on 12 inch ( 291mm) distance position on the turntable. See manual for details.

It is possibble 4Point 14 inch this tonearm on Stabi M and still close the lid when not playing records- see details below:


Using the 4Point 14 inch tonearm on a Stabi M turntable with lid.

The 4Point 14 inch tonearm just fits the Stabi M turntable with the use of a 12 inch cutout but some parts of the tonearm come very close to the edge of the lid. Please follow these instructions when mounting the 4Point 14 inch tonearm and cartridge.

To fit the tonearm on a Stabi M you need to change the distance from the spindle to the horizontal bearing. The standard distance is 340 mm and this must be changed to 338 mm so that the closed lid does not touch the tonearm. When the cartidge's geometry is adjusted the protractors will automatically compensate for this change. This change in effective length is minor and not important ( just over 1%)

As the headshell with cartridge comes very close to the front of the lid, especially when the lid is half closed, slowly close the lid at first and check if the edge of the lid passes in front of the cartridge. At the same time check that the counterweight shaft at the rear of the tonearm is not touching either the back or right side of the lid.

PLEASE NOTE: You cannot play the 4Point 14 inch tonearm with the lid CLOSED on Stabi M. When closing the lid the tonearm must be in the armrest position.

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