Linn Wall Mounts

Sale price50,00 €


Simple and versatile on-wall placement of Linn loudspeakers

The Linn Brakit provides simple and versatile on-wall placement of Linn loudspeakers.

The Linn Brakit is a rigid and secure wall mounting system for Linn loudspeakers that allows you to adjust the angle of your loudspeakers both vertically and horizontally.

Available in a choice of white or black finishes, it is designed for use with Majik 109 and Unik loudspeakers as well as a selection of previous models including Akurate 212, Akurate 225, Katan and Trikan.

  • Compatible with Majik 109, Unik, Akurate 212, Akurate 225, Katan, Trikan
  • Horizontal & vertical angle adjustment
  • Mounting depth 68 mm
  • Available in black or white finish
  • Includes speaker and wall fixings