Nessie Vinylcleaner Pro

Sale price1 524,00 €

Optiot: Pölysuoja

Nessie Vinycleaner PRO

The re­cord clea­ning ma­chi­ne "Nes­sie Vi­nyl­clea­ner PRO" is ba­sed on the mo­del "Nes­sie Vi­nyl­clea­ner". In the heart, howe­ver, beats much of the tech­ni­que of the big bro­ther, the "Nes­sie Vi­nyl­mas­ter".

The brush arm, that ma­kes re­cord clea­ning ea­sy
A brush arm is moun­ted on the front right of the ma­chi­ne. This brush arm ma­kes re­cord clea­ning much ea­sier. He is sim­ply swi­vel­led to the re­cord. The brush is swin­ging sus­pen­ded and the­re­for au­to­ma­ti­cal­ly ad­apts to un­e­ven­ness of the re­cord sur­face. The re­cord is tho­rough­ly clea­ned across the ent­i­re width wi­thout ha­ving to hold a hand brush.
The brush con­sists of fi­nest po­ly­ami­de car­bon fi­bers of the hig­hest qua­li­ty from a Ger­man brush fac­to­ry. The in-hou­se clea­ner “Nes­sie Vi­ny­lin" co­mes in a han­dy 200 ml spray bott­le, which ma­kes it ea­sy to ap­p­ly the clea­ning so­lu­ti­on to the re­cord.

Vinyl Cleaner Pro Vinyl Cleaner Pro Vinyl Cleaner Pro

The well-known Nes­sie suc­tion - si­lent and re­si­due-free
In the Nes­sie Vi­nyl Clea­ner Pro the suc­tion tur­bi­ne of the Nes­sie Vi­nyl­mas­ter in­cl. elec­tro­nics is in­stal­led. When the dry­ing arm is pi­vo­ted on­to the pla­te, the suc­tion starts and all dis­sol­ved im­pu­ri­ties are drawn out of the groo­ve. The extrac­tion ends au­to­ma­ti­cal­ly af­ter 1 re­vo­lu­ti­on. The usu­al in ma­ny clea­ners "re­si­du­al strip" is not in the Nes­sie Vi­nyl Clea­ner Pro.
The sound in­su­la­ti­on is com­ple­te­ly exe­cu­ted in Ba­so­tect. Due to the elec­tro­nic re­gu­la­ti­on of the suc­tion tur­bi­ne and the sound in­su­la­ti­on, the de­vice is ex­tre­me­ly quiet.

Wa­sh-Ti­mer with LED dis­play
The start but­ton is lo­ca­ted on the front of the de­vice and is equip­ped with a blue LED. If the start but­ton is pres­sed, an elec­tro­nic ti­mer runs and mea­su­res the wa­shing ti­me. Af­ter the mi­ni­mum wa­shing ti­me, the LED flas­hes and the suc­tion pro­cess is re­leased. Of cour­se, the user can con­ti­nue wa­shing. The ti­mer is a hel­pful ori­en­ta­ti­on, es­pe­cial­ly if you wa­sh se­veral re­cor­ds in a row.

Equip­ped for all re­cord for­mats
The stan­dard de­li­very in­clu­des 7 inch (sin­gle) and 10 inch re­cor­ds. Ex­pen­si­ve ad­di­tio­nal purcha­ses are no lon­ger re­qui­red.

Dy­na­mic wa­shing by au­to­ma­tic chan­ge of di­rec­tion
The di­rec­tion of ro­ta­ti­on of the turn­ta­ble chan­ges au­to­ma­ti­cal­ly. This crea­tes a dy­na­mic wa­shing ope­ra­ti­on.

Pro­tec­tion against elec­tro­sta­tics
The Nes­sie Vi­nyl­clea­ner Pro is re­pea­ted­ly pro­tec­ted against elec­tro­sta­tic char­ges, i.a. by groun­ding the pla­te man­d­rel and the me­tal sup­ports as well as an an­ti­sta­tic mat.

High qua­li­ty
The de­vice is ma­nu­fac­tu­red in qua­li­fied ma­nu­fac­tu­ring work in Ger­ma­ny. The ca­se is ma­de of ra­ven-black 8 mm high-gloss acrylic, the turn­ta­ble ma­de of sa­tin acrylic "snow". The high-qua­li­ty look of the Nes­sie Vi­nyl­clea­ner Pro is un­der­li­ned by ele­gant chro­me and stain­less steel ele­ments.
Al­so uni­que in this class is the no­ble puck ma­de of hard chro­me-pla­ted alu­mi­ni­um. It has a lip se­al at the bot­tom ma­de of rub­ber, which pro­tects the la­bel from moi­s­tu­re du­ring wa­shing. He is sim­ply-wi­thout bo­ther­so­me screw- put on the pla­te.

Scope of de­li­very

  • Nes­sie Vi­nyl­clea­ner Pro
  • MMas­si­ve glos­sy pla­te weight with la­bel pro­tec­tion se­al
  • 3 pcs. An­ti-sta­tic mats for 12, 10 and 7 inch vi­nyl re­cor­ds
  • Extrac­tion arm for 12.10 and 7 inch re­cor­ds
  • Brush arm with ea­sy swi­vel fea­ture
  • Ope­ra­ting In­struc­tions (English)
  • Power cord
  • mi­cro­fi­ber cloth
  • re­cor­ds brush
  • fun­nel

Technical specifications

Item number 87100
Dimensions (L x W x H) 300 x 330x 250mm
Weight without packaging 7 kg
Weight with packaging 9 kg
Tank capacity suction 450 ml
Speed turntable 30 rpm.
Protection class 1
Input Voltage 230V 50Hz or 100-110 V 50/60 Hz.
Power consumption "washing mode" 18 Watt
Power consumption "suction" 175 Watt
Power consumption "stand-by" < 1 Watt
Permissible ambient temperature 5 - 40 °C
declaration of conformity CE