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Trafomatic Evolution Line One
Class of operation: Single-Ended (class A)
Tube complement: 2xECC88, 1xECL82 (6BM8)
Input impedance: 47 Kohms
Output impedance: 150 ohms
Inputs: 5xRCA
Outputs: RCA Line out ( 150 ohms output impedance), Tape out (47K ohms output impedance) and Subwoofer out ( 22K ohms output impedance)
Gain : 22dB and 25dB selectable at the back side
THD: 0.3%, 1 KHz / 4Vef
S/N ratio: 85dB
Frequency bandwidth: 12Hz (-1dB) – 65kHz(-3dB)
Input voltage: 230V/50Hz – 115V/60Hz switchable
Power consumption: 50VA
Remote controlled volume control
Size: 450x320x105 mm
Weight: 10 kg
Evolution Line One – Tube preamplifier
The Evolution Line One is full tube stereo line preamplifier in the Evolution series. It came as a logical extension of the Elegance Evolution power amplifier. Consequently, we were challenged with a difficult task of meeting high quality of the existing Evolution products. This product, as well as all the previous ones, is built following the principle of using minimum of active parts with the top quality passives. After the long development and multitude of circuit variations The Evolution Line One was born. Previous experience has shown that only a no-compromise design is worth the effort and we followed that philosophy throughout this work.
Final selection called for a well known double triodeECC88 which has its place among the very best. The Evolution Line One has twoECC88 tubes, one per channel. In order to achieve minimum output impedance the second triode within a single glass envelope is connected as cathode follower. Special care was taken to design a high performance power supply, a common trait of all products from The Evolutione series. Diode rectification followed by C-L-C filter and high quality electrolytic capacitors ensure extremely low output ripple on the anode supply. Stabilization tube for anode voltage for ECC88 is a well known ECL82 , indirectly heated tube. Toroidal transformer improves this section even further, considering its very low fringe magnetic field.
The Evolution Line One has 5 line inputs, one stereo output ,fixed TAPE out and Subwoofer out . Elegant design to match The Evolutione series, this preamplifier calls for attention with his modern styling and sound quality and deservedly strives to occupy a leading spot on the audiophile scene.