Kuzma CAR-60 -äänirasia

Alennushinta16 500,00 €


Kuzma CAR cartridges are made to our specifications by a Japanese company with over 50 years experience in this field. The same approach, with regard to design and manufacture of cartridges housings is used as in other Kuzma products. A combination of brass and aluminium parts made by us gives rigid and inert support to the signal generator, allowing the diamond tip to extract musical information from the record grooves without distortion.

New Model Number

Type Condition Moving Coil
Coil Wire 4N Silver
Cantilever material Diamond
Stylus Microridge
Frequency Response 10Hz-45kHz
Output Voltage 3.54cm/1KHz 0.3mV
Channel Balance 1KHz < 1dB
Channel Separation 1KHz >30dB
Tracking Force 2.0gr
Compliance 10x10-6cm/dyne
Trackability 2.0 g >70μm
Load Impedance <100Ω
Net Weight 17g

Our top MC cartridge CAR 60 is fitted with diamond cantilever

Latest Reviews:

HIFI+ UK August 2018 #162: Rog Gregory reviewed Kuzma CAR 60 cartridge and front cover said: Is this world's best cartridge? .... "the CAR 60 does not just bring the musicians to life, it allows the music to breathe and communicate, engage, and seduce. Beacuse that is what makes the CAR 60 special: you do not hear IT beacuse you hear the performance; it's not about sonics, it's all about music." Full review in pdf

Stereophile March& April 2018- listed in class A components. M. Fremer wrote:

"Tonally, the KUZMA CAR -60 was as neutral-sounding a cartridge as you'll find.It was neither tipped up nor rolled off on top, and its bottom-end extension and resolution of low-level detail were what you should expect from a cartridge costing in excess of 10,000$."