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Penaudio Sonata Signature
Penaudio Sonata Signature is a top model in the Signature line. This pinnacle of Penaudio experience was a great challenge to develop. Listening tests and fine tuning took about a year and now we are happy to introduce the final result. We are sure it has exceptional potential to every musical genre and should crown any High-End system.
Big and deep streamlined towers of Sonata Signature equipped by top-notch Seas drivers: 29 mm soft dome Crescendo tweeter, 2 x Specially for Penaudio 145 mm aluminum/magnesium midrange/woofer and 2 x 220 mm and Specially for Penaudio aluminum/magnesium woofer, both with Excel motors. The tweeter worth mentioned again because of powerful magnetic system Hexadim, which consists of radially located neodymium magnetic blocks. Such a system allows minimizing the reflection of sound waves in the back of the diaphragm and provides ventilation of the voice coil, while ferromagnetic liquid is used for cooling.
These speakers use traditional Penaudio materials: multilayer panels of Finnish birch plywood and MDF. This combination ensures acoustically inert cabinet. It is characterized by excellent damping and copes with unwanted vibrations. As a result, the sound becomes clearer, more accurate, natural, and free of any coloration.
Tech Specs
240 x 1242 x 566 mm (with frame)